
Product Development

Product Development

A Critical competency which every successful seed company nurtures and allows it to evolve is “Product Testing and Evaluation” and in SeedWorks we strongly believe that it is important for us to Launch and Commercialize most adaptable and stable Products only after through testing and Evaluation in varied Agro-Climatic zones and environments considering the farming diversity we experience in India and Asia.

Product Testing, Evaluation and Development is a critical competency which is well nurtured in SEEDWORKS. The Success of a Seed organisation revolves around the Product and identifying the Right Product which meets the customer needs is. We built a technically strong, trained team which works closely with the farmers in identifying their needs and then suggest the appropriate product which meet their expectations and those of the end users too.

Product development as a competency is the strength of SEEDWORKS as is evident looking at the high levels of satisfaction of the farmers with SEEDWORKS products

We have accomplished this due to the rigour with which the products are tested, evaluated and advanced.

With the help of the strong R&D team whose constant endeavour is to give the highest yielding products which meet the farmer requirements along with focussed defensive traits. the PD teams do their bit of laying out trials in the farmer fields to evaluate these products under farmer cultivation conditions under various geographies, climatic conditions, management practices and seasons to arrive at consistent products and then advance – Along with the data generation, the observations of the operational frontline team and the feedback from the farmers are considered while we pick products and this ensures that the farmers get the products which are picked from their own fields

Product Development Team

We have a Committed and Passionate product development team catering to almost all the climatic zones of India to test, evaluate and advance our pipeline products with the best products available and grown by the farmers.

Our PD team not only does product testing and evaluation but also tries to understand various process and farmer practices and strives to train and educate the farmers on the best practices of cultivation to improve the farmer income and productivity.

Product Evaluation and Testing Process

We test our products on the farmers fields, managed by the farmers to ensure our pipeline products perform to their potential on the farmers cultivation practices

A rigorous testing process where our PD team tests the products in our trials for two years and once advanced to the next level , the products are planted as On Farm Demonstrations in large plots and post feedback from the farmers are commercialized with much confidence and to the delight of the farmers and customers.

Productivity Improvement and Farmer Service

SEEDWORKS has Farmers Service as its mission and we always strive to look for new opportunities to impact the farmers’ current practices, train them with new interventions in Agriculture, Advisory services for improved productivity, partner with the farmers to introduce newer tested innovations with an aim to see a smiling contended farmer using our SEEDWORKS products.

The PD team also works on constructive alterations in the current cultivation by working on optimising the nurseries, provide initial seedling protection, optimise the spacings as per the plant type, plant growth development, fertiliser application methods, splits in the fertiliser dosages, managing diseases, insects, weeds and arriving at proven methods of handling various stresses with a minimum impact on the productivity of the crops.

Product Knowledge Trainings and Knowledge sharing to Employees and Farmers

The Product development team is the technical face of SEEDWORKS for the customers.

The PD team conducts regular product and crop management trainings which cover the features and benefits of the products so that the front line which is in direct contact with the farmer can educate and guide the farmers in selecting the right product for their farms and trains them in getting the best yields from their acres by adopting improved cultivation practices.

Knowledge sharing also happens with the employees so that they are abreast with the new products to be launched, product performance of key products and to build confidence on the strength of SEEDWORKS new products appraising them that SEEDWORKS is moving in the right direction, making the right investments as per the Vision.

The PD team conducts Crop seminars, farmer meetings and interaction activities where they attempt to address the farmer needs, expectations and concerns about a specific crop and builds these expectations as part of their focus areas.

Liasoning with Universities and Government

While the PD team in SEEDWORKS does the product testing for adaptability and to assess the stability of our products we also coordinate & arrange to do trials with the State Agricultural Universities to bench mark our products with the checks , such interaction is a continuos process where we ensure the strength of our R&D and the products is also acknowledged by the universities and the governments. We actively participate in the government driven productivity improvement and crop shift programmes by facilitating availability of our products to the targeted farmers and also provide appropriate advisory service to such beneficiaries.